Watch 28 weeks later movie
Watch 28 weeks later movie

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The Infected were then able to escape into Cambridge and began spreading the Infection. Another chimp was then able to escape, and infect Warren when the latter came to investigate ( 28 Days Later: The Aftermath).Īt around this time, Tammy and Andy Harris were sent by their parents, Don and Alice Harris, to Spain on a school trip ( 28 Weeks Later). The infected activist then infected the other activists and the scientist ( 28 Days Later (film)). The chimp attacked and infected one of the activists, before another activist killed it. A scientist tried to warn the activists about the Infection, but they didn't listen, and released one of the chimps.


Three members of the AFF then arrived at the Cambridge Primate Research Centre, where the infected chimps were being kept, to free them. At around the same time, a bicycle courier in London, named Jim, was hit by a car while delivering a package to Shaftsbury Avenue, and taken to hospital, where he slipped into a coma ( 28 Days Later (film)). Clive survived this suicide attempt and was taken to hospital, but was left comatose ( 28 Days Later: The Aftermath). Clive was so disgusted by this that he quit, and informed the Animal Freedom Front of the experimentation on chimps before shooting himself. However, some of the Ebola genomes that Clive and Warren had attempted to isolate reacted to the inhibitor, and the contagion and inhibitor mutated into the Rage Virus. Using this new delivery system, Clive and Warren exposed several chimpanzees to the inhibitor. They had decided that delivering widespread with a pill or an aerosol wouldn't do, so Warren decided to use the Ebola Virus as a delivery system. While Clive and Warren were burying the criminal at dawn, Clive sneezed, giving Warren an idea.

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Warren then decided that they should test the inhibitor on chimpanzees, as Clive had been suggesting all along. The criminal broke free and attacked Clive and Warren, forcing Warren to kill him.

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However, the injections of the inhibitor were too diluted, so Warren increased the dosage. Warren was able to get a contact at a police station and secure a violent criminal to test the inhibitor on. At first, they experimented on volunteers from the university, but as Cambridge University students obviously didn't have uncontrollable rage, Warren decided it was a waste of time. Two Cambridge University scientists named Clive and Warren were hired by an unknown company to develop an anger inhibitor that could end domestic and urban rage worldwide.


28 Days Later also spawned a graphic novel called 28 Days Later: The Aftermath, which expanded on the origins of the Rage virus and the timeline of the outbreak and a 2009-2011 comic book series of the same name, which continued the story of, and expanded on the backstory of, one of the main characters of the first film.Īttention this wiki does not show what is canonical and what is not.Ģ8 days later and weeks later (considered the canonical)Ģ8 aftermath 28 days later 28 selena comics and weeks. Following the film's success, a 2007 sequel, 28 Weeks Later, directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, was made like the previous film, it also garnered generally positive reaction from critics, and was a box office success. The original film was directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland, and was a critical and commercial success. It revolves around the survivors of Rage - a fictional, bloodborne, highly contagious disease which turns its hosts into vicious, raging killers within seconds of infection - after the disease has decimated Great Britain. 28 Days Later is a British post-apocalyptic horror franchise which consists of two films, a graphic novel, and a comic book series.

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